Standard SIR File Naming Scheme - BYU MERS LAB Aug. 2003 --------------------------------------------------------- General SIR file name format: SENS-T-REGYR-DY1-DY2.RCN where SENS = Sensor (4 char): nscv = NSCAT V nsch = NSCAT H ers1 = ERS1 ers2 = ERS2 sass = SASS FXXY = SSM/I platform FXX, channel index Y 19V (channel index 1) 19H (channel index 2) 22V (channel index 3) 37V (channel index 4) 37H (channel index 5) 85V (channel index 6) 85H (channel index 7) topo = TOPO (topography map) quev = QuikScat egg outer (V) beam* queh = QuikScat egg inner (H) beam* qusv = QuikScat slice outer (V) beam* qush = QuikScat slice inner (H) beam* swev = Seawinds egg outer (V) beam* sweh = Seawinds egg inner (H) beam* swsv = Seawinds slice outer (V) beam* swsh = Seawinds slice inner (H) beam* sqev = Tandem Seawinds and QuikSCAT egg outer (V) beam sqeh = Tandem Seawinds and QuikSCAT egg inner (H) beam sqsv = Tandem Seawinds and QuikSCAT slice outer (V) beam sqsh = Tandem Seawinds and QuikSCAT slice inner (H) beam misc = misc. sensor ???? = other * second letter can also be 'a'=ascending only, 'd'=descending only T = type (1 char) (header itype value in parenthesis) a (1) = A image (sigma-0 in dB at 40 deg incidence) b (2) = B image (slope of sigma-0 in dB/deg) c (4) = C image (2nd order curvature of sigma-0 in dB/deg**2) C (8) = counts or hits (measurements) per pixel d (5) = D image (3rd order curvature of sigma-0 in dB/deg**3) E (21) = Sigma-0 error image (dB) h (19) = height (in m) I (7) = incidence angle standard deviation (in deg) J (9) = average incidence angle (in deg) m (0) = mask image N (6) = counts of negative sigma-0 values p (11) = pixel time estimate (in min from start of image interval) q (32) = magnitude of 1st harmonic of azimuth modulation (dB) Q (32) = magnitude of 3rd harmonic of azimuth modulation (dB) r (33) = phase angle of 1st harmonic of azimuth modulation (deg) R (36) = phase angle of 3rd harmonic of azimuth modulation (deg) s (34) = magnitude of 2nd harmonic of azimuth modulation (dB) S (37) = magnitude of 4th harmonic of azimuth modulation (dB) S (12) = count of small sigma-0 values t (35) = phase angle of 2nd harmonic of azimuth modulation (deg) T (38) = phase angle of 4th harmonic of azimuth modulation (deg) T (3) = Tb brightness temperature (in K) u (36) = Sigma-0 standard deviation image w/Az second order mod removed (dB) U (39) = Sigma-0 standard deviation image w/Az fourth mod removed (dB) v (10) = vegetation index V (22) = Sigma-0 standard deviation image (dB) w (46) = wind direction image (deg) W (16) = mean wind speed image (m/s) x (30) = longitude image (deg) y (31) = latitude image (deg) Y (17) = wind speed standard deviation image (m/s) X (?) = misc. z (45) = angle of image grid w/respect to north (deg) REG = Region (3 char) This is a partial list of the standard regions and there corresponding numerical codes: (see below) Ama = (1) Amazon Con = (2) Congo Ant = (100) Antarctica Arc = (110) Artic Grn = (202) Greenland Ala = (203) Alaska CAm = (204) Central America NAm = (205) North America SAm = (206) South America NAf = (207) North Africa SAf = (208) South Africa Sib = (209) Siberia Eur = (210) Europe SAs = (211) South Asia ChJ = (212) China-Japan Ind = (213) Indonesia Aus = (214) Australia Bor = (254) Borneo Con = (255) Congo Ber = (256) Bering Sea Ice = (257) Iceland Wil = (259) Wilkes Land Glb = (500) Globe Cus = (yyy) custom region xxx = (yyy) custom region YR = year (2 char) eg. - 78, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, etc. DY1 = 1st day of data used to make image (3 char) (Julian Day of year) eg. - 001, 034, 267, 354 DY2 = End day of data used in image (3 char) (Julian Day of year) if imaging time crosses year boundary, DY2 < DY1 RCN = Reconstruction technique (3 char): sir = sir or sirf ave = ave image algorithm non = nonenhanced grd = gridded lis = list information file Special Extensions: ------------------- The following extensions are added to the end of the filename to identify other image types: .lmsk = Land masked image .imsk = Ice masked image .omsk = Ocean masked image .dif = Difference image .diff = Difference image .sr = Subregion extracted image .ed = Manually edited image .lmask = land mask image .ie = ascii sea ice extent image Last revised: 11 Aug. 2003