IDL utilities for the BYU-MERS "SIR" image format The BYU-MERS "sir" image format was developed by the Brigham Young University (BYU) Microwave Earth Remote Sensing (MERS) research group to store images of the earth along with the information required to earth-locate the image pixels. Files in this directory are useful for reading SIR files into IDL and locating pixels. The routine reads the SIR files. The central routines for pixel location are pixtolatlon and latlon2pix. The other files are support routines. A nice viewer routine (xsir) is also provided. The viewer includes full and zoomed views. With a mouse click a user can select a pixel and view its value and position. Note that these routines use the SIR-standard pixel address from 1 to N rather than than from 0 to N-1 as is typically done in IDL. Note that (1,1) is in the lower left of the image of a SIR File. For an input location of pixel (1,1) the Lat,Lon values returned by pixtolatlon correspond to the location of the lower-left corner of the (1,1)th pixel. ********************************************************************** Fancy viewer routines: (includes zoom, pixel info, etc) generic fancy viewer fancy viewer tuned for IDL (has extra featuers) fancy viewer tuned for PV-WAVE Geometry routines: forward EASE grid transformation inverse EASE grid transformation forward EASE2 grid transformation inverse EASE2 grid transformation inverse Lambert equal area transformation inverse polar stereographic transformion forward Lambert equal area transformation convert (lon,lat) to (x,y) pixels convert (x,y) pixels to (lon,lat) foward polar stereographic transformion SIR file read/write routines: write image to sir file format load sir file image into IDL or PVWAVE Using the basic read/write routines: Use 'loadsir' to read sir format files. The command format is: loadsir,filename,outarray,info,printflag,sensor,type,title,tag,cproc,ctime,des,iaopt where filename = name to read file from (in) outarray = image array (out) info = 36 element array containing summary header information (out) printflag = 1 to print header information to console, 0 to not print (in) sensor = string containing name of sensor type = string containing data type title = string containing image title tag = string containing image tag line crproc = string containing description of creation program crtime = string containing description of creation time des = optional extra header description string (set to blank if not present in SIR file header) iaopt = optional extra header integer array (a single scalar if not present in SIR file header) Arguments after info are optional. Header information required for the transformations are stored in the info array. To determine the lon,lat position for pixel i,j use 'pixtolatlon,lon,lat,i,j,info'. Note that i,j can be real numbers and be located for non-existent pixels such as (-5,-100) though this can lead to errors in the inverse transformations. To get a pixel location from lon,lat use 'latlon2pix,lon,lat,x,y,info'. To get integer pixel locations, quantize x and y to 1..Nx and 1..Ny respectively. No check of the point being within the image is made. A quick way to view the retrieved image is to execute the following from the IDL prompt: window,xsize=info(0),ysize=info(1) tv,bytscl(out,min=info(17),max=info(18)) A more sophisticated tool is or To write a sir format file use: writesir,filename,imarray,info,sensor,type,title,tag,cproc,ctime,autoset,des,iaopt where (all inputs) filename = name to read file from imarray = image array (float) info = 36 element array containing header information sensor = string containing name of sensor type = string containing data type title = string containing image title tag = string containing image tag line crproc = string containing description of creation program crtime = string containing description of creation time autoset = 0 to use scale parameters in info, 1 to set scales automatically des = optional extra header description string iaopt = optional extra header integer array It is recommended that info be initialized from a previously read in sir file and modified as necessary. ============================================================================== Dr. David G. Long Professor, Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept. Brigham Young University 459 Clyde Building voice: 801-422-4383 Provo, Utah 84602 fax: 801-422-0201 Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder: ============================================================================== Code is SIR header version 3.0 compliant. Last revised: 26 Feb 2014 DGL (c) 1999, 2000, 2002, 2014, 2017 BYU MERS